Moxie Fusion XL
SDXL checkpoint
Uploaded Jan 23, 2024
Used 866 times
About this version
Moxie Fusion XL - formerly Stable Fusion XL Turbo Creator: moxie1776 v1.9 Primary: Moxie Fusion XL v1.81 Secondary: CyberRealistic XL v2.1 Tertiary: AniVerse XL v1.0 v1.81 I was running into too many scenarios with v1.8 that it could not interpret. I re-ordered 1.8 primary and secondary, and replaced the tertiary checkpoint. Primary: NightVisionXL v0.8.1.1 Secondary: SDXL Unstable Diffusers ☛ YamerMIX vNihilMania Tertiary: ZavyChromaXL v7.0 v1.7 This is by no means a continuation of Stable Fusion. Rather, this is a heavily DucHaiten influenced merge with my most stable and versatile SDXL Lightning model, Turbo Fusion. Since I was planning no further development of Stable Fusion XL, I decided to hijack it for this project after a user requested a more heavily DucHaiten influenced model. Primary: Turbo Diffusion v.132 Secondary: DucHaiten-NijiUncen v1.0 Lightning + TCD Tertiary: DucHaiten-OldDream v2.2 Lightning + TCD Anime Style HDR Style Cinematic v1.61 Second merge First: Stable Fusion XL Turbo v1.60 (not uploaded) Second: Realities Edge XL v2 Tertiary: AAM XL (Anime Mix) v1 First merge First: Stable Fusion XL Turbo v1.50 Second: DreamShaper XL v2.1 Tertiary: PixelWaveTurbo v03 v1.5 I apologize for another quick release, but anytime DreamShaper XL releases an update, I'm definitely going to merge it and release a new version. Not to mention Lykon also released AAM XL which made it an easy choice also. I first tried this merge at 30% initially, but it ended up being mostly anime, so I ran it at 20% instead, and I like results much better. 20% First: Stable Fusion XL Turbo v1.41 Second: DreamShaper XL Tertiary: AAM XL (Anime Mix) v1.41 This is a re-merge of the components for v1.4 with only the Tertiary model changing. I also changed the percentage from 30% to 35%. I enjoyed playing with Imaginarium, a new SDXL Turbo trained checkpoint, and wanted to add it in to the current version. 35% First: Stable Fusion XL Turbo v1.3 Second: DreamShaper XL Tertiary: Imaginarium v1.4 The latest version of DreamShaper XL has been merge in. 30% First: Stable Fusion XL Turbo v1.3 Second: DreamShaper XL Tertiary: RMSDXL Enhance XL [Tool] v1.3 I started playing with checkpoints recently, merging existing checkpoint's that I like to use. The end result is a checkpoint I really enjoy using, Turbo Diffusion XL Turbo, and seems to be pretty versatile. However, I realized that majority of the checkpoint's that I am using are merges of other checkpoints. I decided to create a new checkpoint based upon Turbo Diffusion XL Turbo, and merging only trained checkpoints instead of other merged checkpoint's. I haven't had a chance to play with it much, but it seems to give pretty good results with what little I have used it. Unlike Turbo Diffusion XL Turbo, which I'm playing and changing quite a bit, I have no plans to upload / make new versions of Stable Fusion XL Turbo unless a trained checkpoint I'm really excited about is released. Below is the 'recipe' I used to merge this checkpoint. First merge: 50% First: Turbo Diffusion XL Turbo v1.2 Second: DreamShaper XL Tertiary: Hyperreal Surrealist - Turbo Edition Second merge: 20% First: output of first run Second: UnsafeXL (trained on the juggernaught dataset) Tertiary: DetailedEyes_XL (Lora)
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